New Release: NoWhiteRag “Daghdèinter” Lp

Siamo fieri di presentarvi “Daghdèinter”, terzo album firmato NoWhiteRag. Esce ovviamente sotto Nuclear Chaos Records e una marea di altre etichette e realtà italiane ed europee. Nove nuovi pezzi e due cover per 20 minuti di Punk Rock ruvido e tirato per niente scontato e fuori dai tanti clichè di genere. Per scambi o per ordinarlo scrivetemi.


We are proud to present you “Daghdèinter”, the third full length by NoWhiteRag. It’s out on Nuclear Chaos Records and a ton of great european labels. Nine new songs and two covers for 20 minutes of angry and speed Punk Rock, nothing trivial, so far from any old punk clichè. To trade or order it please write at my email.


NoWhiteRag “DaghDèinter” Lp out Soon

// call-up for DIY Labels //

NoWhiteRag “Daghdèinter” new LP Album is coming

We are looking for European DIY Labels that are interested in taking part of this release.

The plan is to make 1000 copies, with limited edition coming in red with wood boxes screen-printed by us. The artwork will be pretty tidy with gatefold cover and poster inside, lyrics, translation and blablabla….We worked hardon this album and we are really proud of it, totally far from any punk cliché.

If you think you can help us please write us at:

On the other hand please share this post!

Do it together and Up the punx
